Kimble Cricket Club

Kimble Cricket Club News story

Social Events & All Stars Cricket

07 Jun 2017

Hi Everyone,

Social Events

I'm pleased to say that we've set dates for our first two social events of the season.

Saturday 15 July - Quiz evening hosted by our quiz masters Carole and Roy Stackhouse

Saturday 19 August - Bingo evening with our very own bingo caller, Dave Richards

Please keep the dates free in your diaries and we will provide more details nearer the time.If you can prepare any food for the evenings, please let me know.

All Stars Cricket

Our All Stars cricket programme for 5-8 year olds started on Monday and promises to be a real success. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came down to help despite the terrible weather and ensured we made a great impression on the parents and their children. As a result of your efforts we've already had 5 new children sign up since Monday. Please keep coming down every Monday evening to help because our aim is to make Monday evenings a really great evening for the kids and their parents.

Bob Whitehead